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Benvenuti | Welcome

It is with great pleasure we bring you the first edition of our new state-wide quarterly newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to better communicate with both our members and non-members on all the news, events and activities we have for you and your families throughout the State.

In his inaugural address, our Founder, Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro, said:

“ I have a dream and a hope that someday, even if it takes a hundred more years before we are fully accepted, our children and their children’s children, even if they carry a single drop of Italian blood will be able and proud to continue to carry on our traditions, our culture and our language. It is up to us, and what we do today!”

Over 100 years later those words still profoundly resonate with so many of our

members. It is our hope that this newsletter will bring our membership together with fresh new ideas, activities and programming to continue what our forefathers have started.

A presto -

Dan Onofrio, President

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